Involvement @ USF

Note: This section may not be updated as I focus on building a better website. For the most accurate information, please see my CV.

Bulls Science Olympiad

August 2022 - Present: Founder and President

Bulls Science Olympiad is a registered USF student organization whose mission is to further STEM education for high and middle school students. We aim to host a Science Olympiad tournament at USF and volunteer in person at the regional competition at HCC and the state competition at UF. After the success of our virtual invitational with 900+ attendees in 2023, we ran an amazing in-person competition with 250+ high school attendees and 60+ volunteers at USF on January 27th, 2024 (left). Check out the links below to read more!

For more information on our organization, invitational, or to get involved visit our website at and follow @bulls.scioly on Instagram for updates!

Also see my SciOly page for my journey through Science Olympiad!

Engineering Biology Core

December 2023 - Present: Senior Advisor

January 2023 - November 2023: Vice President

September 2022 - January 2023: Planning Committee Chair

Engineering Biology Core is one of USF's premier student-led research organizations, hosting and funding our own projects alongside creating outreach events on campus. My position oversees all branches, specializing in starting new initiatives. My aim is to create a community of like-minded individuals dedicated to research to encourage collaboration, inspiration, and creating teams to do good work. To this end, I recently directed the SABER conference at USF (right) and was a research lead on our MCPyV Host Interactions and Neurotransmitters projects.

For more information on our organization, visit @ebc.usf on Instagram!

Society of Asian Scientists & Engineers

August 2023 - Present: National Research Symposium Co-Lead

March 2023 - December 2023: USF Vice President Internal

The Society of Asian Scientists & Engineers (SASE) is dedicated to the professional, academic, and social development of its members. My position oversees and delegates to most positions while also meeting 1-on-1 to keep the Executive Board running smoothly, creating a focus on goal-centered development of the organization and its individuals. I recently was able to create new science initiatives, gaining national attention, which allowed me to co-found and lead the first research symposium at the SASE National Convention. I hope to continue to develop the science side of SASE in the future.

For more information on our organization, visit the SASE website.

USF Judy Genshaft Honors College

November 2022 - November 2023: Peer Mentor Lead

June 2022 - October 2022: Peer Mentor

This position entails working with a team of fellow Peer Mentor Leads (PMLs) to plan, create curricula, train teachers (Peer Mentors), and execute IDH 2930 Honors Foundations, a required class for all incoming students to the Judy Genshaft Honors College. We will work closely with Honors faculty and advisors to create an all-encompassing introductory experience to Honors and college in general for students. I would like to thank our new program director Kevin Lee for the opportunity.

For more information, visit the Honors Foundations website or @usfpeermentors on Instagram!

Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences & Technology (JIST)

February 2023 - November 2023: Financial Director

Much of the challenge in engaging students in research is they do not see a clear pathway. While we focus on building skills through workshops and even connecting students to labs / funding their own projects, publication is a goal that is still hard to attain. To this end, Engineering Biology Core and the Undergraduate Research Society have teamed up to release our own undergraduate journal targeted at USF undergraduates who have done good work.

For more information or to submit a manuscript, visit the current JIST Website.

Settle Out Club

September 2021 - January 2023: Co-founder and Treasurer

Settle Out USF is a club dedicated to fulfilling a huge USF need: get our diverse population used to Tampa and host fun events for people to get to know each other! We host a multitude of events at USF and take field trips to places around Tampa. As treasurer, I am responsible for budgeting, applying for funding, and working with Student Government and Student Business Services for every event. It was a great position to get used to USF bureaucracy that has set up my success in other endeavors.

For more information on our organization, visit @settleoutusf on Instagram!

Other Notable Positions

External Involvement

International Society for Computational Biology Student Council - RSG Southeast USA

July 2023 - Present: President

In this role, I am to further computational biology at the academic level at USF and beyond. I especially like to focus on helping biology students gain interdisciplinary skills in computer science to add a new depth to their research skillset. We aim to create workshop programming and host a symposium at USF. I have also joined the Nucleate Florida Leadership Team to help partner the two organizations and advance both industry and academia pipelines for computational biology.

To learn more about ISCB Student Council, visit!

To learn more about Nucleate, visit!

Science Olympiad Event Supervisor - Various Tournaments

August 2021 - Present

I enjoy volunteering and being able to employ my experience at various Science Olympiad tournaments by writing tests or (usually if virtual) supervising and grading. Notable ones in 2021-22 include the National Tournament, Florida State Tournament, and New Jersey State Tournament virtually, along with being flown out to MIT in person for their invitational. I plan to volunteer similarly this year in addition to Bulls Science Olympiad!

To learn more about my involvement and see example tests I've written, visit my SciOly page here!

To learn more about Science Olympiad in general, visit!

Other Involvement